Name | Johannes L. Hörmann | | |
Url | |
Summary | Computational tribologist, data explorer, and sinoenthusiast. |
2022.05 - 2023.09 Co-founder
Surface Design Solutions
Co-founder and CTO of Start Up Surface Design Solutions
- ML Ops
- DevOps
- Customer support
2021.08 - Present Data Steward
livMatS Cluster of Excellence, University of Freiburg, Germany
Development and implementation of Research Data Management (RDM) policy. Development and provision of RDM tooling.
- RDM policy
- DMP review
- dtool & dserver development
2021.01 - 2021.07 Parental Leave
- Time management
- Leadership
2017.02 - Present Examiner
Academic examination office, a joint institution of the German Embassy’s cultural department and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Conducting interviews for plausibility verification of academic records.
- Conversation planning and management
2017.07 - 2025.01 Freiburg, Germany
Simulation, Dept. of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK), University of Freiburg
Microsystems Engineering
- Dissertation: Friction of Adsorption Films with Reproducible Molecular Dynamics
2014.09 - 2017.01 Beijing, China
Double Degree Master Program
Tsinghua University
Mechanical Engineering / Engineering Science
- Master thesis (grade 1.3, German scale): Computational Modeling of Potential-Controlled Dodecyl Sulfate Ion Adsorption at the Aqueous and Non-aqueous SDS Solution – Stainless Steel Interface
2012.09 - 2017.03 Berlin, Germany
2008.09 - 2012.09 Berlin, Germany
B. Sc.
Freie Universität Berlin
- Bachelor thesis (grade 1.0, German scale): Large Scale Parallel Simulation of EPR Lineshape Spectra
2000.09 - 2007.06 Holzminden, Germany
- 2013.09
DAAD Annual Scholarship for Exchange Studies
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
studies at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
- 2010.09
DAAD Annual Scholarship for Language Studies / Huayu Enrichment Scholarship
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and Ministry of Education, Taiwan
language studies at National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
2024.06.25 dtool and dserver: A flexible ecosystem for findable data
The dtool ecosystem bridges the gap between standardisation-free data management by individuals and FAIR platform solutions with rigid metadata requirements.
2024.01.28 matscipy: materials science at the atomic scale with Python
Journal of Open Source Software
matscipy implements such tools for applications in materials science, including fracture, plasticity, tribology and electrochemistry.
2023.06.28 Molecular simulations of sliding on SDS surfactant films
The Journal of Chemical Physics
We use molecular dynamics simulations to study the frictional response of monolayers of the anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate and hemicylindrical aggregates physisorbed on gold.
2021.01.30 Molecular Simulations of Electrotunable Lubrication: Viscosity and Wall Slip in Aqueous Electrolytes
Tribology Letters
We study the frictional response of water-lubricated gold electrodes subject to an electrostatic potential difference using molecular dynamics simulations.
methods | |
FEM with COMSOL, ANSYS, and FEniCSx | |
MD sith GROMACS and LAMMPS | |
DFTB with Atomistica | |
DFT with CASTEP | |
ML (GPR, GPC) with gpflow and sklearn | |
Workflow Management with FireWorks and snakemake | |
Data Management with dtool & dserver |
DevOps skills | |
GitHub CI/CD | |
OpenStack | |
Docker | |
Podman | |
Singularity | |
Make | |
CMake | |
EasyBuild | |
lmod | |
Slurm | |
MongoDB | |
Flask | |
languages | |
Python | |
C/C++ | |
Mathematica | |
LaTeX |
driver's license | |
motorbike | |
car |
German | |
Native speaker |
English | |
Fluent |
Chinese | |
Fluent |